HeFei City Symphony Orchestra

Christian Kunert Conductor
Christan Kunert began his musical career as a bassoonist and initially won several international competitions: Prize winner at the "International ARD Competition" in the category bassoon solo with distinction "Audience Award" (2008), Culture Prize of the Bavarian State (2007), Eduard Söring Prize of the City of Hamburg (2006), prizewinner at the “Competition of the Musical Academy” in Würzburg (2004), prizewinner at the Theodor Rogler chamber music competition and also at the international wind competition “Pacem in terris” in Bayreuth (2003). Christian Kunert wird ab 2022 die Position Chefdirigent und künstlerischer Leiter des HeFei City Symphony Orchestras und ab Sommer 2023 auch die Position als Chefdirigent und künstlerischer Leiter des Hamburger Kammerorchesters.